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From small-scale up to 1 ton per hour, the drum roasters of the RoastMaster Series provide traditional and multistep roasting profiles to capture the full flavor potential of any blend.

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Roasting profiles for delightful coffee flavour

The precise profile control allows great flavor creation for any coffee origin and variety. Use the touch screen and recipe functions to adjust the degree of roast, roasting time and temperature evolution to fit your blend.

Energy-efficient, homogenous roasting

The RoastMaster is available as an open or hot air recirculation system. The roasting chamber is designed for homogeneous and efficient transfer of heat to the beans. This results in a uniform roast and an energy-efficient process.

Improve the quality of your coffee roast

You can adjust the hot air temperature and airflow, allowing you to produce distinct flavors and adapt the physical characteristics of the beans.

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A modular design to fit your factory layout

Create an integrated system from bean to jar. Choose from a broad range of options such as a pneumatic feeder, a pneumatic destoner discharge unit and afterburner.

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A range of machines

Select the right throughput capacity for your operation

The RoastMaster Series comprises four different sizes up to 1 ton per hour. The RoastMaster20 is ideal for start-up businesses and small –scale industrial operations with a throughput of up to 70 kg of green beans per hour. The RoastMaster60, RoastMaster120 and RoastMaster240 operate with a throughput capacity of 240, 500 and 1000 kg per hour.

Consultancy services

Customized engineered processing solutions

The vast global coffee processing engineering competence of Bühler is at your service to develop integrated plant solutions designed to your needs. From small installation to large high performance factory, Bühler supports you worldwide in planning, engineering, automation, project management, installation, start-up and maintenance.

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